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Main technical specifications of power transformer for vacuum packaging machine

2020-11-21 13:44:38

Main technical specifications of power transformer for vacuum packaging machine

1. No load current of vacuum packaging machine shall not be greater than 30 ma.


2. When the temperature is 20 ± 5 ℃ and the relative humidity is not more than 80%, the insulation resistance between the primary winding and the secondary winding and between the primary winding and the shell of the transformer shall not be less than 100 megohm. 3. Withstand voltage strength: in the environment with temperature of 20 ± 5 ℃ and relative humidity of no more than 80%, the transformer between primary winding and secondary winding and between primary winding and shell shall be able to withstand the withstand voltage of 50 Hz sine wave AC voltage of 2000 V, and the test lasting for one minute shall have no breakdown phenomenon.


4. The temperature rise of the transformer shall not exceed 30C when it works continuously for six hours under the specified load condition.

5. The transformer shall have no electromagnetic sound during operation.

6. For (2 × 300 V) winding, the symmetry requirement is that the voltage difference between the two windings should not be greater than 5 v.

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